Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Art of Paul Simonon

Bermondsey Barges (detail)

Vauxhall Bridge, Pimlico (detail)

The Millenium Wheel, London (detail)
These detailed pictures were taken from a BBC article on the Clash Bass player/artist Paul Simonon. (, give credit where credit is due aka save our ass)

Look for more Clash and Clash related articles in the days to come.


gdub said...

My fears of non-stop Simon & Garfunkel features have now been replaced with new fears of Clash and Clash related articles.


gdub said...

Now I can see.

JDot said...

It helps to clear the shit from your eyes. By shit, of course, I mean the MAD FACE image.

gdub said...

well, they are comin' thru.