Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Dawning of a New Day

SOUTH SUICIDE QUEENS, NY (YIFTM) - The founding members of legendary rap group, Onyx have apparently passed the gat to a new generation of mad faces. Sticky Fingaz, Fredro Starr, Suave Sonny Cesar, and Big DS have been reincarnated into what appears to be the second coming of Onyx, now known as Yung Onyx.

A quick glance at the newly constructed website,, indicates the group's long running quest for blac vaginaz has resulted an entire offspring of mad faced children.

As one might expect from a group of men who urged an entire nation to throw their gunz in the air, these yungstas will have no problem bringing forth their message to an emerging generation . That message is loud and clear: "The bichasbootleguz muthafukaz sellin my tapes, they get shot."

Also, along with the customary gangsta garb, it's refreshing to see Yung Onyx carrying on the tradition of replacing the letters 's' with 'z' and 'er' with 'a'. After all, the original members were primarily known as wordsmiths, creating fascinating ways to rhyme phrases such as, 'hole in yo chest' and a personal favorite, 'we neva givin a shit, cuz we livin in it.'

So, check out the website. You'll be greeted with a lovely little ditty, entitled, 'Bangout.' And in the weeks to come, visitors will also be able to purchase hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, and other USG approved accessories...all in support of the oncoming Mad Face Invasion, a noble cause if there ever was.

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