Wednesday, March 21, 2007


GLENDALE, CA (YIFTM) - As the previous article (Fuck You Too Mij!) points out Gangsta Warner’s sexual bond with his clothing, I feel it’s about time to unveil a little catch phrase quietly circulating among the snickering friends of said Gangsta Warner.


As the chorus to a song written and poorly recorded back in 1996, the “desires” (are they sexual?) that make up the GW are neatly summed up in 4 easy to repeat words: FASHION, RAP, SPORTS, WARNER.

FASHION has already been touched upon by a hilarious email that later turned into the article, Fuck You Too Mij!

RAP was, and still is to this day the genre of choice for the GW. The hardest, most female degrading shit out there is what the GW rolls to down the rural streets of Madison, Wisconsin. With a hat (his favorite is the one with silver letters reading: G-Unit) slightly cocked to one side and his watch band 4 sizes too big, the GW can be seen authoritatively raping along with the newest David Banner album.

SPORTS were the biggest THRILL for the GW back in high school, and are even more so these days. Sporting (pun intended) an entire weeks worth of jerseys complete with matching “short” shorts, the GW’s casual conversations, no matter how small, would and still do involve some reference to sports. More than likely hockey. The GW loves hockey, that and bowling.

WARNER, well that’s his name, and it neatly ties up the phrase. FASHION, RAP, SPORTS, WARNER. It just rolls off the tongue. Try it out.

Kobe jerseys and leather jackets. That’s all that needs to be said.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

"Kobe Jersey - check. Chain - check. Baggy light-light blue jeans - check. Insanely white high tops - check. OK J-Kidd Starting Lineup figure, I think I'm ready to hit the Roger Ebert book signing. Don't turn the PS2 off, my memory card is full and if I hit 90 points with Ray this game his season average will be at 40ppg. Keep an eye on things while I'm gone J-Kidd Starting Lineup figure. I love you."