Tuesday, March 20, 2007

J.Jerry's Daily Music Pick(s)

Electric Light Orchestra - No Answer

GLENDALE, CA (YIFTM) - After listening to this album on my way into work this morning I reached an understanding with myself. An understanding that when summed up could neatly organize specific music related feelings into a proper category. (Remember, we here at Yeah, I Figured will use 10 words when we could have easily used 2) The understanding in "phrase" form is as follows: ELO is best listened to on vinyl. That's the phrase. As I'm sure no one reading this could give 2 shits, I've given the statement some thought. I figured the "why" behind the statement is due largely because all of my ELO music is on vinyl, and that's the only way I've ever heard them. Makes good enough sense, well maybe not to some (FRSW), but this brings me to No Answer. I listened to this album on my ipod, imported from a CD I'd made directly from my record (complete with pops and delightful imperfections).

Anyway, this album, being their first, is far removed from their more popular "classic radio" friendly songs heard on such movies as Boogie Nights and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I don't think there is 1 electric guitar to be found on any of the 9 tracks. Instead it's very string heavy with plenty of cello. I can dig the cello. Jeff Lynne would later reform the Electric Light Orchestra into his own image, but this early album is a great way to see where great classic rock from the mid and later 70’s spawned from.

Very highly suggested. Also check out what I feel is their best album, A New World Record.

Special thanks to GWL for hipping me to ELO back in the 80’s.

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