Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Let Me Just...

MADISON, WI (YIFTM) - The above words sit beside my computer screen at work, serving as a constant reminder that my focus should be on the journey, not the destination. The original author didn't always do that, and I suppose in some respects I'm learning from her mistakes. Liza would more often than not reply to a question with a variation of "Let me just..." Let me just finish this email, let me just distribute this allocation, let me just..., well you get the idea. The most free roaming Brazilian I had ever met, had been reduced to a workaholic.

I'm happy to report that this is no longer the case. Liza and her husband, Andy are in the midst of a year long trip around the world. You can follow their adventures at Viewers can read journal entries from the now world renowned couple (although, Andy seems to be the only one contributing on a regular basis...Liza is perhaps too involved with meditation or wine tasting, either one usually leaves her in a daze of incoherency...much like the exhaustive writing attributes of yours truly.) Also witness first hand the beauty of Spain, Portugal, Morocco, India, Thailand, and other exotic locales through gorgeous photograhps taken by Liza, Andy, and all of the new friends they've made along the way.

But enough of pimping their site, this is about pimping Liza and I mean that in the most honorable of connotations. Liza has been my dear friend for the last 3 or 4 years or maybe more. It's a testament to her warmth and affection that time truly does fly by when graced with her company. Liza is also part of an exclusive trio of friends that I call the "one and onlys." Much like my counterpart to the West, and the girl I'm currently shagging, these people for some unGodly reason have decided to embrace my repeated tomfoolery and love me in spite of it. I can fully be Gangsta Warner in the presense of these fools.

Liza, especially, has always been there to catch my tears and reignite my confidence. Although she's half way around the world and a year removed from my shit, I bet come July she'll breathe me once again. However stale that scent is.

To the readers of this sophmoric turd of a website; should you cross paths with this Brazillian beauty and friend of Yeah, I Figured, please don't hold it against her for being associated with such idiots.

1 comment:

JDot said...

You should put their site in our links.

Good article, way too long and I got bored about 4 words into it, but good job.

That must be awesome to take a year long trip. She won't want to come back.