Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Earthlike Planet Found!

GLENDALE, CA (YIFTM) – Shit! Not everyday does one read the news about the discovery of a new planet. I’m excited! I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it.

In the CNN article titled, “Scientists find most Earth-like planet yet” it reads: Astronomers who announced the discovery of the new planet Tuesday say this puts them closer to answering the cosmic question: Are we alone?

Nevermind the cosmic question. The logical question is: Are we ready to take on another species? We kill off our neighbors for their varied beliefs, how the shit are we going to stand unified against another, and possibly superior species? If Bill Pullman was our President it might be feasible, but look who we’ve got “leading” the most powerful nation in the world! We don’t stand a chance in hell!

This is badass news though.


Matthew said...

Check out the Drake Equation sometime. I bet I would fit in on the planet Wookies come from. What's the name of it again? ...Easy guys, one at a time!

hammermachine said...

Yeah we wouldn't stand a chance, not with this ass in office or our typical human divisions. There wouldn't be a unified front we would be doing impact studies and planning sessions instaed of figuring out a way to survive.
