Monday, June 25, 2007

Bashin' Brothers

LONDONDERRY - From Jose Canseco's Juiced:

On Will Clark (125-126): "I spoke out against the double standards I saw, and sometimes made an issue of it when I saw that black athletes weren't being treated fairly and getting the right contracts. For example, when contract renewal time came around, Will Clark was getting a four-year contract for a good amount of money-and Kevin Mitchell wasn't.
I spoke out about that. And the media hammered me for it-the white media, that is. But I had no qualms about speaking out against injustice. Why? Because a lot of us minority players felt like we got the cold shoulder from Will Clark. Clark was a country boy, and from the way he acted and the comments he would make, we had reason to believe had had no respect for us. But who was going to complain? He was white, he was Will Clark, and he was protected by the system.
After I made some comments to the press about Mitchell and Clark, in every ballpark I'd go to, the minority athletes would greet me with a thumbs-up and a high five. They knew I had the power to challenge the double standard, and they loved watching me use it."

On Rickey Henderson (272): "There was no one who could run as fast as I could run. I remember racing Rickey Henderson and beating him constantly. 'I'm not going to race you anymore,' he told me. 'I'm embarrassed to let a guy your size beat me.' Rickey was one of the fastest guys in baseball-yet despite a forty- or fifty-pound weight difference, I was actually faster than he was."

And finally, Mark McGwire's index listing:
McGwire, Mark, 7-8, 40, 71, 73, 75-80, 116-18, 135, 168, 169, 170, 172, 192, 197, 199, 201, 202-4, 215, 262-63, 267, 268, 273, 274, 282


Matthew said...

"he was Will Clark"

Matthew said...

and all that that entails.

JDot said...

That Jose Canseco is a mother fucking liar!

Ain't no fool faster than Rickey.

gdub said...

another 'questionable' source spouting outrageous and hurtful accusasions.

it's bad enough that Will clark has to be subjected to ridicule and scorn from his fellow klansman for all those years of playing with black athletes.

leave the guy alone already.

Matthew said...
