Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Field of Crittas

CHATSWORTH, CA - Beatbox is busy working on his screenplay. Apparently he’s put his elusive novel on the shelf in order to express himself through an autobiography he calls, Field of Crittas. Shown here is a rare promotional poster designed to help spread the word of the forthcoming autobiography.

Field of Crittas will become beatbox’s 3rd release following the underground smash hit, Chicks With Dicks and the widely ignored and already out of print follow-up, Dudes With ‘Jiners.


Matthew said...

This is awesome!!! I'm gonna do a run on this when I have time.

Matthew said...

I've heard of Mij porn, but Mij corn?!?!! Wait, forget I mentioned Mij porn.

Matthew said...

I wish I was as skinny as those corn stalks!

Matthew said...

"Field of Creams" is a title of a Mij porn.

Matthew said...

"If you build it, he will cum" was a memorable line.

Matthew said...

Those are what grease babies look like when I have them with vegetarians.

Matthew said...

Don't you hate it when chicks don't know how to find the crit?

JDot said...

Critta on the cob.
Shucking Critta.
Nebraska Crittahuskers.
Gulliver's Critta.
Critta beef hash.

Sweet Critta.
Whole Critta.

Matthew said...

Sometimes it's hard to digest critta and I come out whole in bowel movements.

Matthew said...

Grease Children of the Corn