CHATSWORTH, CA – Followed is a generic and unfocused list of things I find lame. Not to be confused with several various lame lists properly and within their own right called The Lame List:
$8 lunches
Squeaky brakes
Fools that only talk about themselves and could care less about everyone else
Scratched records
Beatles covers
Yellow lights
Human Torch
A world without Rocket
Cell phone bills
The Chicago Cubs fans
Hotel heiresses
Dirty water
Unfocused posts
The last day of work before a vacation
The United States of America
Running out of whiskey
Valentine’s Day
Fake smiles
Fake laughs
Lame lists
Feeling special
Social acceptance
Instrumental albums
Non-instrumental albums
Lost innocence
Strikeout wild pitches
8 song LP’s
Oh boy...he's up to it again.
P.S. - thanks for not including 'Idiots nicknamed Gangsta'
I didn't have to.
It's already universally known that idiots from a town of just over 1000 people who call themselves "Gangsta" are lame.
My work was done for me.
(What's the album going to be?)
This post is lame. gave me that nickname as I remember. I just wore the clothes, walked the limped walk, and talked the shit talk to justify it.
I'm giving you another nickname.
FRS Warner.
Which I'm sure heatbox will turn into FRS Wagner, then a variety of Fashion Rap Sports, or just simply Fashion, Rap, Sports, and then finally just FRS.
You've just been given 7 new nicknames. None of which will ever be used (when you're around).
Blown saves are lame.
My lame list would be just as long. My awesome list would comprise two things: knives and jaguars.
What's wrong with the United States of America ass?
Strikeout wild pitches are awesome! Maybe I should've read this first.
You are on the list Gangsta - under ex-girlfriends.
What if the $8 lunch was like a dozen lobsters covered in diamonds?
Man, I couldn't get through life without a few white lies. I like this post by the way.
What's wrong with Beatles album covers?
Birthdays are the worst days.
Fake laughs and smiles - what am I gonna do w/ my face for the next 7 days?
bury it in the urinated sands of southern california.
If these things are lame? Then what's lamer than lame? Think about that one L. Lippy.
Depends whose urine it is. I may be up for that actually.
that would be l lippy's.
Wagner: How many jerseys do you now own?
Heatbox: Bring us bullets.
Nerf Hurder is lame.
Teenage Kids on Safari are lame.
Pay-per-view boxing prices are lame.
Running out of ink is lame.
Murderer music producers are lame.
Losing ebay auctions is lame.
Portage is lame.
Tim Hennessy is lame.
Friends calling other friends lame is lame.
Tim Hennessy is lame.
I think he's out getting his iPhone today - leave him alone!
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