Friday, July 20, 2007

1,500 Gangstas Do Thriller

You have to see it to believe it.
Our boy, co-founder Gangsta Warner found 1,499 other Michael Jackson fanatics to join him in a scene-by-scene recreation of the Gloved One's famous Thriller video which plagued the 80s.
If you're looking for Gangsta, he would be the one in white, hair pulled back in a pony tail.


gdub said...

Tim Hennessy is a giant asshole.

Tim Hennessy said...

Can you show us your moves?

Or do you need more practice?

Tim Hennessy said...


I should have called this post: 'Land of 1,500 Gangsta's'

gdub said...

My moves are for the Hennessy women only.

Matthew said...

Was Mark Ruffalo among the 1500?