Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad Idea

SOCAL – In this world of grass cutting double agents and house buying friends of distinct backgrounds lies a certain individual who doesn’t know when enough is enough. That person’s friend is seen in this photo appropriately titled, Bad Idea.

After a heavy night of drinking and moral injustice Beatbox, seen here, couldn’t say no to a refreshing cold glass of Coors Light. As if closing the bar wasn’t enough, the logical demands of an inebriated vacationer were met with a mini keg of Coors Light and this amazing photo.

Be sure to toast your next Coors Light to Beatbox and his Bad Idea.


gdub said...

Thank your lucky stars that Germo wasn't pouring from a jug of vintage 2006 Carlo Rossi.

the caption would then have to be changed to "Worst Idea," Followed by obituaries for everyone in the room.

JDot said...

All the Mij was asking for was what he wanted.

gdub said...

And germo was more than happy to oblige.

JDot said...

The Mij was willing and Jermo was able.

I was drunk.

gdub said...

...and Charles was pissed.

...and Nathan was drunk.

Tim Hennessy said...

Too bad it was Coors.

Matthew said...

Poor Jermo - I think he was telling me really good industry stories while my eyes were continuously shutting as I was sitting up at the kitchen table.

Matthew said...

Hmmm...I said no thanks to the water or the Jack Daniel's on the table, or even the couch in the next room. No, fill me up a mug of warm, week-old Coors Light with a nozzle that was inches away from Jermo's mouth hours earlier. Bad idea indeed.