Scheduled for release on September 18, the very last studio album by the influential and energy driven industrial giant Ministry adds a face to its great name. The Last Sucker is the third and final segment in a 3 part trilogy calling attention to the evil ways of our so called "leader". Like pillars of historical significance that stand and are frequently photographed throughout Rome, such Ministry albums as The Land of Rape and Honey, The Mind is A Terrible Thing to Taste, In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up (Live), Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs and Animositisomina all resemble extremely important and necessary structural foundations throughout the industrial music city that Al built.
One can’t help but deal with the wave of sadness that the last Ministry studio album displays. As a whole the Ministry sound has gone through a mountain range of changes where the peaks are about as high as any other in all of music.
All good things must come to an end. I for one am not taking this situation with a smile on my face, but when The Last Sucker forces its way into my brain it’ll no doubt feed my rage and anger the way only Ministry can.
Stop crying - they were around for like 37 years.
Finally, someone in the music industry has the courage to speak out against the Bush Administration.
You know what's a terrible thing to taste? The mind.
They peaked with their appearance in A.I.
Why is the President turning into a turtle?
I morphed into a jaguar once.
If you were a Brewer, what song would you play before it was your at bat? Gabe Gross plays some funny Christian stuff and everyone else plays hip-hop. Oh, Corey Hart plays country - I like him best now.
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