Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Saturday Night in Los Angeles Part IV

Part 4
The cutie got on stage and did her thing to a Zeppelin song (the one on the Shrek the Third soundtrack to be precise) and a Cure song (one we used to listen to in art class back in high school). My selfish and idiot mind took this as a sign, but only for a moment. I don’t know what it is about women with brown eyes and brown hair, but I’m rendered absolutely helpless.

After her 2-song concert I ordered us another round. Apparently my roommate Minh had stumbled across the “Holy Grail” of drink concoctions a few nights earlier and was ranting about Jack Castle. I guess how it works is you pour a Newcastle into a glass then slip a shot of Jack in on top. He says its pretty good. I haven’t tried it yet myself, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

The next skintastic female came on and Minh said, “She’s hotter. She’s got bigger tits.” Since my eyes were already fixed on this woman’s beautiful presentation I shot back, not moving my head mind you, “She’s hot, but the other one was a cutie.” My roommate mumbled some inaudible grumble of disagreement and we both continued with our drinks.


gdub said...

this reminds me of that wonderous night @ visions w/beatbox sr & jr...two n.e.r.d tracks were played as breasts bounced before us...mij jr had volunteered to drive so sr and i downed jack & cokes as...with it our dignity and jr's patience for such unrule.

anywho, point i'm making is nothing like hearing your favorite groups non-single album cuts played in as you say, 'neon castle of lust'...or neon outhouse of lust as is the case here.

gdub said...

'skintastic'...what class.

JDot said...

I've got class coming out of my ass.