Friday, February 15, 2008

Vacation's Over

One more day of vacation for pitchers and catchers. They all have to report to spring training tomorrow. I read somewhere and understood the logic so I’m going to use it here. The Packers expanding their regular season, nicely bridges the offseason gap between Wisconsin area professional sports. But just because this years National Pastime seems closer doesn’t mean several questions surrounding the Milwaukee Brewers organization are immediately going to be answered.

Who will the round out the rotation?

Will Turnbow find his nitch as the set-up man?

Will the Brewers finally win the division now that longtime clubhouse veteran Geoff Jenkins is gone?

Will Yost break his single season ejection record?

We I get to see my name on the marquee while attending a game in the suite again?

All these questions and I’m sure several others will be answered by your friends at Yeah, I Figured That Much as the ‘08 season unfolds. Be sure to check back. Comment early and comment often.


JDot said...


JDot said...

I'd like to thank my parents, the film academy, Bucho, Grease, Dub and Hens for all the love and support. I could have done it without you.

JDot said...

I did a search for YOST and BREWERS on this site to see if this picture was used. I came across an article called Fielder's Finch. 53 Comments. I still think that's the record.

I'm bored.

gdub said...

Why does Grease get credited before me?

gdub said...

I'm back to hating you.

gdub said...

I get the message: loud and clear.

Frybyrd said...

I can already answer one of those questions for you.

The Brewers will NOT win the division-again.


JDot said...

Grease gets credit first because he told me about RFTC. If ever I'm a top listener for Onyx, I'll credit accordingly.

JDot said...

Nah, the Chicago Chokes had there chance.