Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bush Responds to “Necessary” American Deaths

"No one would argue that this war has not come at a high cost in lives and treasure, but those costs are necessary when we consider the cost of a strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq," the president said.

“In lives and treasure.” What the fuck does that even mean? Treasured lives? $$$’s spent? Ok, so let me ask you Mr. Bush, exactly in what way is $600 BILLION and 4,298 American lives worth preventing “STRATEGIC VICTORY?”

Here’s hoping #4,300 is yours Mr. President.


gdub said...

Jesus called. Asked you to remove that final thought.

JDot said...

Jesus. I love you. Please stop the pain.

- JDot

gdub said...

Prices to pay for eternal happiness. But c'mon man, you're not going to feel good advocating someone's death. 2 wrongs rule, remember.

JDot said...

Yeah, I know. I've got to get out of the "instant gratification" mindset.

I guess I wouldn't mind if he died. He's doing more harm than he'll ever do good.

gdub said...

We shouldn't take pleasure, or even small satisfaction in other's deaths. Except for yours.

JDot said...

What good does "should" and "shouldn't" do when we've got statistics like this?

gdub said...

Should, shouldn't...Jesus is the only stat that matters. 99% of my posts are probably frowned upon by God, but wishing death upon someone is not Yeah, I Figured style. Unless it's in relation to mariachis and mexican drug cartels. but otherwise...

JDot said...

Hey, you have your vision of YIFTM and I have mine. Can we agree to disagree?

gdub said...

Ofcourse. But this transcends Yeah, I Figured lines and lands squarely into one Christian brotha urging another to take the high ground. Not saying I'm better than you, just saying you're better than that statement.

You know, and all that shit.


JDot said...

I understand.

I appreciate your strong conviction, and your general concern for my well being.

Thank you.

gdub said...

Fuck off.