Monday, March 17, 2008

The End of Relevance?

"Moving images, far more than words or sounds, are hefty rivers of digital bits as they traverse the Internet’s pipes and gateways, requiring, in industry parlance, more bandwidth. Last year, by one estimate, the video site YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet did in 2000, reports NY Times writer Steve Lohr."

The end of the internet? Not likely say most analysts. But a definite challenge looms as more and more people post shit about how unbelievably crappy the new Hulk trailer looks.

Bulldog Reporter's Daily Dog has the 411.


JDot said...

I probably won't see this movie. I didn't see the last one. I probably won't see this movie.

gdub said...

Don't you find the bandwidth fact fascinating?

JDot said...


Frybyrd said...

You didn't miss anything by seeing the first one.

They should have stopped with the first one. They should have stopped BEFORE the first one. The first one was an immense piece of SHIT that I wasted 2 hours and 3 dollars on.