Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Will

Coinciding with some of the largest protests in Tibet in nearly two decades, US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi and nine other members of Congress have traveled to Dharamsala, India where the Tibetan government is in exile.

The trip was arranged long in advance of the recent outbreak. However, Pelosi acting on her own behalf, joined the Dalai Lama in front of a gathering of 2,000 mainly Tibetan people and said,

“If freedom-loving people throughout the world do not speak out against China’s oppression in China and Tibet, we have lost all moral authority to speak on behalf of human rights anywhere in the world.”

I've cringed at Pelosi's previous blunt attacks on President Bush and the GOP. Although just, they come across as juvenile and confrontational. Not a winning combination in my opinion.

The Dalai Lama's message of peace and acceptance has somehow served as a conduit to Pelosi lessening her accusational grip. And I for one would like to applaud Pelosi; especially for someone in her position to willingly point a bold finger at China. Props, you cold-hearted bitch.

The New York Times has the story.


JDot said...

I agree. We need more bold statements calling out wrong doing throughout by high level persons of official standing.

Hopefully the press will get all "hot and bothered" about her statement so the world over will catch on and follow her lead.

JDot said...

Good Will is also a good place to buy used records.