Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Pi Day Everyone!

Yup. Today is Pi day. The never ending number representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. So what does this mean to you? Should you invoke a new trend by FINALLY unveiling your coveted calculator jewelry line? Should you laminated all your Jr. High math tests (you know you’ve been saving them) and turn them into dinner place settings?

The beauty about Pi is that it’s never ending. So today, this Groundhog Day of sorts, choose one of the endless possibilities of options and celebrate Pi Day the best way you know how.

A professionally written article about Pi day can be read here.


Frybyrd said...

You can celebrate by going out and rent the movie "Pi".
Or... could read the book "The History of Pi" by Petr Beckmann, or the book "The Joy of Pi" by David Blatner.

I've read them both...

Frybyrd said...

Pi always gets the recognition!

What about Pi's lesser known counter parts e and Phi?