Thursday, March 13, 2008

YouTube tells hulu, "F U!"

The headline from today's Bulldog Reporter Daily Dog, reads:

'TV Studios Experiment with Ways to Force Advertising on Viewers of Online Video'

- A not so subtle jab at hulu - NBC Universal and Fox News Corp's attempt at legitimizing the youtube generation.

According to the official site, visitors can access video of "the web's most comprehensive selection from more than 50 content providers including FOX, NBC, MGM, Sony Pictures Television, Warner Bros., Lionsgate, and more to deliver premium programming across all genres and formats, television shows, feature films, and clips."

The catch being viewers must sit through two minutes of advertisements which translates to roughly 75% less commercials during a typical 30-minute program on broadcast television.

Rapid consumer exodus from such traditional media channels to online sources, has networks and studios frantically altering their paper chase. hulu, like other online video outlets, is a way for big corporations to test audience ad tolerance. Certainly, advertisers would be more comfortable throwing marketing dollars behind the latest Simpsons episode versus extreme moto-cross jumps on YouTube. No doubt, hulu has the upper hand here. But it remains to be seen if consumer perception of 'free' matches that of business.

1 comment:

JDot said...

Last night I went to Subway. They tried to upsale me on double meat, drink and chips. If I would have wanted double meat, a drink or chips I would have asked for double meat, a drink and chips. Don't try to get me to do shit I don't want to do when I'm already buying your shitty product!

Youtube is for kids. Anyone think kids are going to want to watch advertisements?