Monday, April 26, 2010

Wal-Mart Hates Women, You Should Too

Why does Wal-Mart, our nation’s largest and shittiest retailer hate women? Wal-Mart recently went on record as saying (but not really), “We hate women and we’re not ashamed of it.” Wal-Mart has driven a hard line in the sand between ½ of its consumer make-up with its decade long favoritism towards its male employees and a general disregard, and apparent distain toward its female employees. The soon to be ALL-MALE-SUPER-STORE-‘CAUSE-WOMEN-SUCK Arkansas based company now finds itself in “the largest class-action employment lawsuit” ( in our country’s long-run capitalist history. Check out CNN’s coverage here.

Editor’s note: New “BUY WAL-MART, HATE WOMEN” t-shirts coming soon (but probably not).

1 comment:

Frybyrd said...

Yeah-I hear they hate black people too!