Friday, July 23, 2010

Filling In the Blank With FILLintheBLANK

I wanted to give a quick heads up about the most recent Yeah, I Figured That Much related project titled, FILLintheBLANK.

Here is our bio:
FILLintheBLANK or FitB as it is known, is an audio odyssey (AUDIO PODCAST) combining the comedic brilliance of Jason Hardwick (Left of Center / The Jason Hardwick Show) and Nathan Lueptow (Yeah, I Figured That Much / I Heart Bubbles). FILLintheBLANK touches (read: erotically caresses) a wide range of topics and non-topics, and is best enjoyed with the volume turned down.

My buddy and I are about to start production on Season 2, but I wanted to let everyone know that Season 1 (all 12 episodes) are available for free from iTunes.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I just subscribed - I'm big into podcasts over the last 6 months - I'll listen while I'm running and trying to drop 50 lbs.

Also, this kid on the right looks like: