Monday, December 31, 2007

365 Days of the Best Shit You'll Ever See!

After 365 days of organized obscenities we here at Yeah, I Figured That Much find ourselves no closer to any of the desired truths we initially sought out. Instead we’ve inhabited an abandoned shack and decorated the walls with the love, fear and inevitable filth from the bottomless bucket of YITS colored paint. In some remote corners of the Midwest and parts of Oklahoma the state of this metaphorical shack could be considered modern art, but we see it as nothing more than shit. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

It started with a fight. GDub and his counterpart JDot had just recently “casted up their broken legs” so to speak of their always stalled alliance and were attempting to rebuild the smoldering fire of frustration they call their friendship. After an almost consistent daily pattern of one lined emails and classic “your mother” insults, the almighty GDub and his patsy JDot foolishly decided to keep track of their self inflicting funny bone injuries, thus creating Yeah, I Figured That Much. 2 or so months went by as Dub and Dot updated a single (and very large) Word document with fresh thoughts, ideas, rants, and plenty of album reviews. This “first” version of Yeah, I Figured That Much, YIFTM or YITS for short proved to be too large to email as a whole. So after 70+ pages YIFTM found its final burial resting place at, which would later become

In March the YIFTM family grew to 3 when the 2 idiots heads convinced recruited an old High School friend and like minded fool Beatbox, who would later change his name to Treatbox, then finally to Grease. Later that month a faithful yet constantly disappointing collegiate friend of GDub was invited to join the team. No one really knows why Hennessy accepted the invitation, but upon his enrollment the YIFTM family was complete.

4 idiots geniuses with nothing to say, but with every conceivable means known to man in which to say it; Yeah, I Figured That Much.

We’ve had our fun here at Yeah, I Figure That Much. We’ve deliberately touched upon some key issues simply to invoke rage among one another. We’ve also, in my opinion, found a nice home in which to communicate and further appreciate each other’s company. For the record Yeah, I Figured That Much doesn’t call any one specific city home. Instead we’ve found it easier to set up regional branches in Madison, Milwaukee and Los Angeles. Our goal in doing so is to spread our filthy arms of good will to a much wider audience, and/or set a fire we hope will span from sea to shining sea.

As we celebrate our 1st Annual Yeah, I Figured That Much Anniversary Party, we implore you all to comment on your favorite moments/places/people/posts of 2007, and we all here at Yeah, I Figured That Much wish you a happy and safe 200GR8.

HAPPY MOTHER FUCKING NEW YEARS EVERYONE! – From your friends at Yeah, I Figured That Much


gdub said...

Our little boy's all growns up.

A perfect summation of the filth that has become

I'll speak for the rest of us as I always do and say the Dot has captured our entire collective sentiment.

This post is a smut pie of elegance backed at 666 degrees. The ingredients? 4 idiots from the annals of

Well done sir!

Now take your dick out of my mouth and I'll get to licking up any mess I made.

"Because he's gay, that's why!"

"It's actually more gay since you can't cum that way."

"Blown brains on Father's dashboard."

"Well it sure as shit ain't you!"

JDot said...

Classic quotes born from the week long celebration that was the 1 year anniversary of Yeah, I Figured That Much.

Mom, if you're watching, I'm sorry.

"Dreamworks Records no longer exists." JDot

"Well..." GDub

Desperately navigating our way around known facts: Yeah, I Figured That Much.

JDot said...

Take a look at the light reflection on the Out of Sight poster. It looks like Jennifer's gun is firing.

Planned. I'm taking credit.

gdub said...

the only credit you can take is being a lucky idiot. that's all that is offered for you. take it or leave it.

better yet, just leave.