Things JDot did to GDub growing up (in no particular order):
Broke a Giants necklace. Was on the better end of a few trades. Sprayed shaving cream on GDub's window. Shot GDub with a BB gun.
Things GDub did to JDot growing up (in no particular order):
Called crying several times and forcibly asked JDot to call his then girlfriend to attempt to "talk some sense." Called crying and requested the "services" of JDot to come over and "beat the shit" out of GDub's stepfather. Wouldn't stop talking shit about JDot's girlfriend even after JDot respectfully asked him to stop (which in turn resulted in a 2+ year hiatus. [the best 2+ years of my life]) Achieving his ultimate goal by making every waking moment in JDot's miserable life an unbearable hell.
In the center of the HS gym there is a small platform on either side for camera crew and what now. JP and I would crawl up to one of them and on the back of the wood write who we had crushes on at that time. I'd bet my carded Bucho figure that those scribbles are still there.
"Don't worry about Tunnel Rat's boots. We'll use a black sharpie and color him black. His white kayak will also have to be painted if its to double as a guitar case."
Yeah, I Figured That Much is a non-profit publication established January 1, 2007. We provide an incoherent narrative to your daily life through our juvenile intellect and commentary on popular culture. It is our hope that each visitor will gain an appreciation of our views and intentions. Or at the very least, we hope your initial disgust evolves into a comforting pity.
JDot - Los Angeles, CA
Grease - Madison, WI
Hennessy - Milwaukee, WI
Frybyrd - Plover, WI
Kreative - Las Vegas, NV
Previous Rants
Andrew Jackson Jihad - People That Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World (2007)
Can you name the slugger who was the first to hit 40-or-more homers in a season in both leagues?
(answer to be provided upon my trip to P-Town)
Henley Nuschler?
Jingles Jerries?
Ryan Sandberg 84 Donruss for worn out Reebok Neon Green Pumps?
Black Light Felt Onyx poster for every single baseball card of value i own?
"Who's more foolish? The fool or the one who follows him?"
Not a question of being foolish. I'm just sharing with our audience the ramifications of our mutually birthed hatred for one another.
I'm providing perspective to the pages of yeah i figured.
Mutally Birthed Hatred: Yeah, I Figured That Much.
Things JDot did to GDub growing up (in no particular order):
Broke a Giants necklace.
Was on the better end of a few trades.
Sprayed shaving cream on GDub's window.
Shot GDub with a BB gun.
Things GDub did to JDot growing up (in no particular order):
Called crying several times and forcibly asked JDot to call his then girlfriend to attempt to "talk some sense."
Called crying and requested the "services" of JDot to come over and "beat the shit" out of GDub's stepfather.
Wouldn't stop talking shit about JDot's girlfriend even after JDot respectfully asked him to stop (which in turn resulted in a 2+ year hiatus. [the best 2+ years of my life])
Achieving his ultimate goal by making every waking moment in JDot's miserable life an unbearable hell.
Spreading Christmas Cheer the Yeah I Figured Way!
Readers should take note that JDot's claims, while true, happened after the manipulative trades.
I think we can all agree this is a case of the chickens coming home to roost.
Teenage Kids on Safari?
the white on is starting to show its wear on Tunnel Rat's boots.
"Hey, they're building a new house near my folks place. Why don't you cancel your bike ride with Christina and come over. Bring your Joes."
"Cool as long as we can find some sticks and write the following in the foundation:
C.W. + C.M.
N.L. + C.D.
To make it really meaningful and lasting, let's draw hearts around the letters!"
In the center of the HS gym there is a small platform on either side for camera crew and what now. JP and I would crawl up to one of them and on the back of the wood write who we had crushes on at that time. I'd bet my carded Bucho figure that those scribbles are still there.
"Don't worry about Tunnel Rat's boots. We'll use a black sharpie and color him black. His white kayak will also have to be painted if its to double as a guitar case."
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