Tuesday, December 18, 2007

TUESDAY NIGHT RAMBLES: Find Some Truth, Waste Some Time

“Smokin’ and drinkin’ on a Tuesday night.” Neither smokin’ nor drinkin’ (I am a liar) I spend my time organizing presents and listening to MOTOR. I’ve got a pile of Ultra Lounge CD’s to my left, and a camera full of lukewarm holiday gathering pictures resting peacefully inside my digital camera to my right. Punkture is the track name. PAHUNKTOUR.

We had a slight problem with our internet connection earlier. I don’t care to elaborate. Let me go on record (as if I haven’t previously 20+ times before) as saying that RICHARD PRYOR was/is the funnies individual (not limited to the male gender) to walk the earth. I guess this would have to strictly include all RECORDED artists/comedians/CRACK smokers doomed to sacrifice their lives for others to enjoy. RICHARD I’M SORRY! BUT I WOULDN’T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY.

Look at the title. What did you expect?

I’ll be leaving my humble warm environment within the next 48 hours. I’ve got 1 more day of “wrapping things up” at work. We exchange our Secret Santa Christmas gifts tomorrow over lunch at the Pink Pepper. I’m not very fond of the Pink Pepper (no offense to Pink Pepper employees past or present).


This is an embarrassing statement to admit, but I’m still and consistently (yet secretly) searching for “the other” part of a 2-part team to eventually “realize” a budding and infantile ear hungry collaboration of organized noise.

The future holds uncertainty disguised as hope.


JDot said...

Anything to get that gay, self admiring picture of "Tiger" Woulds off the top of the site.

JDot said...

I don't mind "Tiger" that much, it's just that I don't respect people flaunting their accomplishments.

(WTF am I doing on this site???)


gdub said...

You're at your best when you just go with the flow.

Nice incoherent ramblings...things make sense when you don't.

gdub said...

That's not Tiger Woods. That's Charles Warner.

gdub said...

That dude to the left looks like you.

JDot said...

Posts like these remind me of our humble Word Doc days.

Shit, that was almost a year ago!

gdub said...

Humble is not a word I'd use to describe those documents.

Lunacy is more like it.

JDot said...

Lunacy engulfed with rage sprinkled with faint glimpses of perfection.

gdub said...

Lunacy engulfed with rage sprinkled with faint glimpses of perfection covered by clumps of shit.

JDot said...

Lunacy engulfed with rage sprinkled with faint glimpses of perfection covered by clumps of shit wrapped in pages of Star Wars editions of Entertainment Weekly stolen from the MATC library.

JDot said...

Pepsi anyone?

gdub said...

Cause I've got a penis that's free.

JDot said...

Films of Scorsese: Music

gdub said...

Films of Scorsese (Music)

JDot said...

My bad.

You know, we could have easily had a sitcom in Jeff's class we were so on. Every day was another adventure "surviving" post high school education at MATC.

The foundations of Yeah, I Figured That Much will forever live on in the hallways of the Truax campus.

gdub said...

Do you still have the Bulgrin/Sandler Mash-up?

JDot said...

I think that's on your mini tape recorder. It's in the box with Matt's X-Files tape and the cut out felt Mad Face poster.

gdub said...

Seriously, does that tape still exist? I wouldn't know where to look if I was the last to have it.

JDot said...

Which tape? Mini or X-Files?

gdub said...

the bulgrin sandler.

JDot said...

I don't think I ever had a copy of that. It would be in your possession or in Bucho's.