Falling into Autumn
Well shit boys and girls. The streets have been clean for far too long. It’s time for the YITS crew to dominate your fall schedule. Now, by reading this your are more than likely only 1 of 3 other people who have already meticulously planned and organized your fall schedule and have for one reason or another forgotten to include the ‘ol Yeah, I Figured That Much as your idiot box front runner. Your not-so-friendly reminder has arrived.
As I sit in my pleasantly occupied room listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and firing down a lukewarm MGD I can’t help but attempt to offer my tidings of good will.
There have been a few “cherry pickers” lingering among the YITS crew (mainly Heatbox, Beatbox, Treatbox or whatever the hell he calls himself now, and good ‘ol N.E.R.D. commercial using Hennessy). They’ve been out swimming at the YITS farm for far too long. President G Dub and Head of the Labor Dept. J Dot have been busy fixing up the house and request the full presence of the “family” for our first piping-hot meal this site has seen since those humid summer nights trying to ignore the uncomfortable front seat while making sweet love to people we find to be worthy of our time.
Fall is here kids. A time for skipping rope and deep sea diving. Grab your jet-black hoodie and a beer and get your finger-post exercises in. Summer is right around the corner.
There's a couple of Autumns I'd like to fall into.
And when I say Autumn I mean your Mom.
Good to be back buddy!
G Dub and J Dot. Has a nice ring to it, no?
There are a couple I'd like to fall in and out of as well.
Now that we're back what the hell do we do?
I'm not much for speculation, so my college and NFL football posts will be coming as a few more games are played and things begin to take shape.
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