The Gloves Are Off!
The already bitter rivalry between "Brewman" JDot and "Cubbie" Frybyrd intensified this morning when a winner take all bet was made between the two Yeah, I Figured icons on which team, the Cubs or the Brewers, would end the season with the better record.
The terms? Other MLB teams are not a factor, so placement in the standings doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the win-loss record of the two teams of note. In the event of a tied win-loss record, the tie breaker is the number of wins in Cubs-Brewers contests. If head-to-head also ends in a tie, the result is a push and neither man wins.
"This has been a long time coming," remarked Frybyrd when asked to comment. "I'm a Cubs fan living in the middle of Brewers country. The Brewers and their fans have been a thorn in my side ever since the Brewers were realigned to the NL Central Division in '98. It's a shame, really. I used to like both teams. But now..."
What's at stake? The only thing that matters to two grown men raised in the state of Wisconsin-BEER!! The loser will be obliged to buy the winner a 12-pack of beer of the winner's choosing.
"This really raises the stakes for me," JDot stated in a phone interview. "I just shudder at the thought of being seen in a liquor store buying a case of Leinie's Honey Weiss, or whatever other shitty beer Frybyrd happens to think is trendy at the time. Embarrassing."
The bet is expected to make the atmosphere at Yeah, I Figured offices a great deal tenser than it normally is. An unidentified Yeah, I Figured employee comments: "All I know is that when JDot and Frybyrd get going with the baseball trash talk around here, everyone else takes cover! It gets almost as bad as Election Night at the Grease household!"
What will be the outcome? Who knows. The only thing to do is to wait for the end of the baseball season and see how things shake out. It can only be speculated as to what the aftermath will be when it is all over. Neither bettor is known to be a gracious loser.
Great. More isolating coverage of Brewers and Cubs.
Funny write-up though.
PS - I put on my admin hat and placed spaces between paragraphs and omitted Grease's real name. The real Grease does not like being associated with this site.
Who can blame him?
"Neither bettor is known to be a gracious loser."
The understatement of the century.
Thanks for the Editing. I've been having issues with the spacing lately and I didn't know about Grease's preferred anonymity.
"Isolating coverage of the Brewers and the Cubs." - Yeah, I figured that much.
Actually, last time I made a bet like this was in '98-Cubs & Giants that year. It came down to a playoff game for the Wild Card spot between the two.
I took that one.
Great write up. This should make for an INTERESTING season.
Having said that, GDUB (calling you out) is a little worried that we may get too Brewers/Cubs heavy in the post section. While he and I both greatly appreciate and welcome your professional contribution, we should post freely about such things, but just be cautious about OVER posting.
Know what I mean Vern? Clarification can be given over phone if you'd prefer.
But bang-up job on the article. I especially dig my "quote." You capture JDot's fury w/o even trying.
Dot - thanks for covering for my cowardice. Confronting FB is my biggest fear ever since he turned into the Hulk after the Junior Senior/Electric Six concert.
No prob. I know how to talk to this animal.
Down. Nothing but talking down to him.
Hey Frybyrd, wanna fight?
Them's fightin' words!
Junior/Senior-I barely remember that show-I don't even know how I got home that night.
Wait, Frybyrd went to a Junior/Senior show?
'Twas a good time!
I was sooooo drunk!
That's kool you went to a Junior/Senior show!
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