Friday, March 23, 2007

ID4 Rocks

GLENDALE, CA (YIFTM) – ID4. Yeah, I saw ID4, what about it? I saw it in the theater too. ID4 is my favorite movie, what’s yours? Probably something dumb like that stupid Mt. Rushmore movie with the kid and that teacher. I didn’t even see it but my buddy’s ex girlfriend said she overheard one of her little sister’s friends say it wasn’t any good. Man I love ID4! I wish the United States was invaded by aliens today. I’d strap on my work boots, my black cargo pants, my black on black camo shirt and my hunting jacket and kick me some alien ass. I’d grab all 6 of my pocketknives and shiv me some alien vertebra. I don’t care if I get alien blood on my “army” clothes. That’ll just prove to my paint ball buddies that I can crush me some alien skull. Maybe then they’d let me on their team. Man I love paint ball! Just about as much as I love ID4. Every 4th of July I have my neighbors over for a pork roast and we watch ID4 and listen to the soundtrack on my badass Sanyo surround sound speaker system. The walls move I shit you not. After everybody leaves I play my ID4 game for Playstation until midnight. It really sucks that they didn’t make an ID4 game for the PS2. Man I would tear that shit up. ID4 is by far the best alien movie ever made. Way better than that Close Encounter movie. Movies made before 1990 suck ass. They don’t make movies as near as good as ID4 anymore. And I read somewhere that ID4 made like 100 Million dollars. That’s got to be a record. 100 million dollars! Imagine that. No movie can even come close to that figure, that’s because no movie will ever be as good as ID4. When I talk about ID4 to people who don’t know me, I don’t say Independence Day. That’s for gays. ID4 is what people who KNOW that movie call it. You should see my office at work. I’ve got all the ID4 alien action figures lined up around my cubicle. I’ve got the coolest cubicle. Jimmy, the dork across the hall tries to act like he’s an ID4 fan. I know he’s full of shit. He thought ID4 was a comic book. That kid don’t know shit. Man, I’m going to watch ID4 right now. I’ve got the VHS movie with the Sportflics like cover. Nobody’s got that. I’m the biggest ID4 fan this side of Alpha Centauri. And I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise!


Matthew said...

Sportflics! Ha - that's awesome!

gdub said...

Yeah, and thanks for raining on my parade 12 years ago with your primal fear flag waving nationalism...thankfully I saw the best movie of my life that an alien ship blocking out the sun, you're "serious movie"-going attempts were thwarted.

Matthew said...

That was L. Lippy's idea to see Primal Fear? I though Gangsta would take credit for that - "I liked Norton since I was 15!" or something.